The Benefits of Fresh Mango

The end of the year is not only the time for the rainy season. It’s also the time for you to get fresh mango on the market. As a native fruit in Southeast Asia, you can easily find mango all year long. But the end of the year is usually the time when all mango varieties flooded the market because it’s the time when the farmer harvests this goodie. You can easily find Mangga Harum Manis to Mangga Apel on the market.

People love mango not only because of its taste. This tropical fruit is also rich in nutritional profile. Some studies mentioned that mango can help to improve immunity and digestive health. Let’s dig deeper into the benefits of adding mango to your daily consumption.

Quoted from, In 165 grams of mango contains:

  • Calories: 99
  • Protein: 1,4 grams
  • Carbs: 24,7 grams
  • Fat: 0,6 grams
  • Fiber: 2,6 grams
  • Sugar: 22,5 grams

Those nutritional benefits are also completed with vitamins, copper, folate, niacin, and many more. As we can see from the list, mango has low-calorie density, or it contains few calories for the volume of food it provides. That’s why eating a fresh mango before your meal may help you from overeating.

Some people avoid mango because it has high natural sugar. You might get worried to consume it if you have diabetes. But some research from the National Library of Medicine in the United States mentioned that a higher intake of fresh fruit could lower the risk of diabetes. It means, as long as you consume fresh mango, not freeze-dried ones, you can prevent the risk of diabetes. We also recommend you add as less as possible sweetener when you’re planning to make a mango smoothie at home so that it will prevent blood sugar spikes after eating your favorite fruits.

Other than that, mango is one of the best sources of immune-boosting nutrients. The magnesium and potassium nutrients in mango may help to maintain your blood vessels, and lower your blood pressure, which means good for your heart health. The polyphenols contain in mango also can lower your risk of cancers, like leukemia, colon, lung, prostate, and breast cancer.

We hope after reading this article, you won’t need to skip a cup of mango, especially in its best season. Consume it moderately and you’ll get all of those health benefits for your body. You can also find the best mango salad in Clean Canteen Jakarta. We recommend you to try our Poke Quinoa Bowl, where you can enjoy fresh organic mango, with fresh greens, and organic quinoa. It’s so refreshing and also vegan friendly! Visit Clean Canteen Jakarta today!

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